February 11, 2008


again, dugaan datang lagi...
i tot dis is the toughest test n yet me again got 2 be much more tough at heart n soul.

ayah is moving to kuantan.... today! jauhnye....
bukanlah tak pernah jauh since my siblings pun semua boarding school but mak n ayah who had just celebrating their 25th anniversary last 2 months have never been separated dis far.
n i've never tot dis could happend!

terlalu banyaknye kerenah birokrasi sampai yang tak bersalah pon menjadi mangsa kecuaian mereka... macam ni ke pemimpin? well, i'm not going to discuss bout it anyway!

well, it was a very shocking news. ayah actually got 24 hours notice.
this is very tough... for me n siblings n also for mak. adik is the one who i think will feel the "lost" very much, pity adik!

semalam, by the time ayah nak pergi n kitorg pon nak balik hostel masing-masing, semuanya tak bisa berkata-kata.
we'll be missing you very much, ayah!
adik paling sedih, cried all the way to KL.... n mak got to drive alone home after sent us. kesian kan n risau too but thank god, everything was doing fine on our "first day".

bukanlah jauh sangat setakat 6 jam tu kan. but frankly, i prefer it to be in KL, at least we're all gathering here huhu susah la macam ni n mak planned to moved to KL next year.
i dont really mind either we're moving here or there. it just that I DONT WANT TO BE TOO FAR FROM MY MOM AND DAD! as i tot everybody know, i'm my dad bestfriend!

hmmm susahnya... menjadi dewasa dan menyimpan banyak perkara di dalam hati.
semoga aku tabah melalui beberapa hari sebelum graduasi ini. ya Allah, tabahkanlah....

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