November 14, 2013

it's been long...

Lamanya since the last entry. Tu pon gambar je.
Hmmm... Sibuk? Tak terlalu...
Sebenarnya baaaaaaanyak sangadddd peraman dalam hati sanubari tapi tak terluahkan dek jari. Begitu!

Sejak #ZihniAflahIzhar discharged dari HoSAS, Temerloh 4 days after our visit to Dr. CB Lim last September, I stop myself from doing/reading/talking/thinking of anything regarding MPS. Yup, THIS IS A DENIAL! I am so-called in a denial stage now and forever. I can't help myself from asking our dear doctors, "Can you be wrong?", "Can the results be all negatives?", "Can she be healthy again like other little girls out there?" and all the positive possibilities an educated-become-brainless mom can thinking of walaupun saya tahu doktor tu akan jawab dengan senyuman je huhu. So, I decided to STOP wondering about this and that about Zihni's diagnosis -and I feel a bit relief (yes, positive thinking will lead you to a positive attitude, but not always!). Oh ya, I havent blog about our experience (will be the first & the last, I swear!) in HoSAS. Believe me it was totally terrible. I'll blog it later if I have heart hehe.

So, November comes to it's mid and we still get no conclusion on Zihni's condition yet. But after all, I thank Allah for putting on her weight to 10 kilos finally at 20 months old and it's not because of the steroid she consume twice daily. Also, I thank Allah for my beloved husband's first salary after being unemployed for 268 days. I swear the 3/4 of 2013 is roughly tough, you dont need to imagine them. But I thank Allah that we (me, UA & ZA) managed to go thru evrything together successfully. As far as I remember, selama kami dgn single income (which from time to time yg nopay leaves will means deducting the salary) tu tak pernah la Zihni kelaparan, takde pampers (nasibla ade stok CD berlambakan hihi) atau tak cukup susu ke hape. Alhamdulillah... Alhamdulillah...

MasyaAllah... Kalau difikir2, ujian dua tahun pertama perkahwinan ni cukup besar. Alhamdulillah we both passed them in flying colors. Of cos la ade perang sana sikit gaduh sini sikit tapi tidaklah pernah walau satu malam pun UA tidak balik ke rumah. Betul pesan mak (yang dipesan kepada mak oleh arwah opah), rumahtangga ni ujiannya 3 je, anak, duit dan perempuan. To be very frank, dua tahun setengah ni ketiga-tiga ujian dah menjengah tapi Alhamdulillah Allahuakhbar Allah Maha Besar yang memegang hati-hati manusia...

Sebulan setengah lagi nak menjengah tahun baharu Masihi.
Tahun baharu Hijrah pun dah 10 hari bermula.
Apa yang dah tertunai?
Apa pula yang nak ditunaikan?
Bersama-salamah kita berusaha menjadi khalifah yang lebih baik setiap hari.

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