Well at last, June is coming and it's just today!
And there are just a few great2 things waiting for me this June, instead of my birthday...
It'll be my E day, insyaAllah 3 days b4 my birthday followed by my birthday on d 16th and mom's on d next day, also Jose Gonzales's 1st time road tax renewal on d 29th... (and i'm waiting for my 'duit kutu' turn for the roadtax hehe...) well not so good but dis is my 1st experience tho!
hmmm what else ho?
i already bought a present for my birthday, again! but not s big n expensive like last year's hehe.
So instead of the not-yet-arrive batik sutera from

I think I want this quite so much... Well i mean, it is oke to have it sooner or later hehe... What is the 'this' anyway????

Well it's actually just a book... For a former statistics student who didnt turn to be a statistician! I sent an email asking for the book to MPH last few weeksand they had just replied me last week saying that they found the book for me with ISBN 9780062731029 and i can buy it from them thru online hehehe I'm back eithe the online shopping thingy!! so i'm dying waiting for my salary from my previous company to but it... hopefully... hopefully....
Well guys, instead of the lord of the ring thingy, I just cant wait to show u the most precious 25th birthday present that I had been waiting for almost 10 years hehehe can't wait... can't wait... bersabarlah!
p/s: this entry is post after my trip to book store hehehe can't find the cartoon yet since we're going there for work. Maybe next time, insyaAllah...
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