September 27, 2012

of husband's surgery on daughter's 210th days...

For the 3erd time of the year, UA was scheduled for ENT surgery, as far as i concern, consists of toncillectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty & tracheostomy. OMG what the hell are all those things about???

Rasanya pernah blog pasal penyakit UA ni dulu, which is OSA (Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome) or nafas terhenti while sleeping where he was scheduled for surgery on April tapi tak jadi sebab actually PPUM salah bagi tarikh waddahell then changed to July where UA was down with fever on the surgery day so postponed to tomorrow, sebab takut infection if they proceed with the surgery. Oh, in that case, I keep wondering why it takes them 2 months untuk buat next appointment? Guess they can just give UA some antibiotics and then can proceed with the procedure on the other day or two. Hmmmm... Kalau esok UA demam lagi? Bukan ke kalau tonsil bengkak mmg patient kan sokmo-sokmo je demam? Hmmmmm again...

Ok, have been worrying since last Friday (OMG wife take a week to think about things husband gonna go thru on the otehr week!) and sempat search for some relevan topics on traffinc jammed otw back home. so i come across this blog of Dr. Azlina Saaban, an ENT specialist of Hospital Columbia Cheras on toncillectomy. ok, this is his 1st prosedure tomorrow, sebab tonsil dia dah kebengkakan yang amat! and i will asked the doctor to see the tonsil whice have been removed, tomorrow hehe...

Pastu sampai lak ke blog yang lebih-lebih memberi curiosity and made me googling  more!

Ish dah la, malas pk!
Dengan ZA yg demam panas 38.9 degreenye, mandi muntah saya kat klinik.
Mcm-macam la...
Saya cuma harap suami dan anak saya segera sembuh je...
Sy sakit2 pon x apa, saya dah biasa n insyaAllah boleh jaga diri sendiri..
Alahai susahnye hati...

3 precious comments:

kudozu said...

sy taktau la kalu sy ada penyakit tu tapi dulu kalau sejuk sangat selalu terjaga lepas tu tercungap2 sebab takde napas. skang alhamdulillah belum ada lg mcm tu.

Nia said...

harap2 semuanya ok ya. banyakkan berdoa dan tawakal ya. insya'Allah.

Nia said...

Salam dear,

Baby Bullet ada jual sini, RM129 je :)

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