The good things happening to you might be so subtle that they are beyond comprehension, but who cares?

First of all; the phone. OMG, last 2 weeks my old hp was in a deadly critical condition. So I asked my brother to borrow his for a few days until I come back home. But he advice me to buy a new one. I said I'm saving my money for something more important by now. And again OMG! My OKB brother said he can pay it 1st for me. Huhuhu adekku.... So now I have this W830i huhuhuhu can't ask for more since it's not on me but I promise to pay him back asap after I get money! TQ bro! Unfortunately all the number saved in me K300i was vanished huhu so hopefully kawan-kawan can SMS me (but it's great too to hear ur voice hihi) your number oke.
Next is about the car. Not my real dream car but as stated in the entry, that's the only one I can afford by now. However, after bought my new hp, my mom asked us to accompany her to kedai kereta. And guess what... She bought a Red Chilli Saga dat day! OMG!!! Well, I just have no idea why she went for 1.3 Saga (which is also manual huhuhu meaning that I can't drive it!) but perhaps she git her untold reason, so just don't argue. On the way back I said to her "Habis tu mak, angah nak beli kete ape lak pas ni? Huhu," and she replied "Laaa, nak beli Saga jugak ke? Tak pe la, ko beli kaler biru yg Auto ye!" Huhuhu tak pe lah, akan ku fikir-fikir kemudian...
So, that's it! Sometime we tot we'd planned everything very well and in order but Allah knows everything better, much much better than us. Thanx Allah, for blessing me with this life!
So, that's it! Sometime we tot we'd planned everything very well and in order but Allah knows everything better, much much better than us. Thanx Allah, for blessing me with this life!
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